Downton Abbey: Splendor and romance, desire and heartbreak, scandal and rumors…spanning the idyllic pre-war era through the storms of The Great War and beyond to the roaring 1920s, Downton Abbey tells the story of a complicated community. Home to the Crawley family for generations, it is also where their servants live, plan and dream, and they are as fiercely jealous of their rank as anyone. Some of them are loyal to the family and committed to Downton as a way of life, others are moving through, on the lookout for betterment or love or just adventure. The difference is that they know so many of the secrets of the family, while the family know so few of theirs. But for all the passions that rage beneath the surface, this is a secure and ordered world that seems, at first glance, as if it will last forever. Little do they know, family or staff, that the tides of change will not leave Downton unscathed.
Watch the series here:
Season One:
Season Two:
season Three:
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