Since the military authorities in Niger came into the political scene through the July coup last year, they have repeatedly proven that they are not going to put up with the West. Past Democratically elected leaders of Niger such as the ousted President, Mohammed Bazoom were ready to dance to the tune of the West in any situation. But the current leader, General Tiani and his counterparts in neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso are determined not to play the puppet for Western countries. Whenever there seems to be a conflict of interest between any of the three countries and the West, the next thing we hear is that these countries have severed ties with the Western country not minding the repercussions. The leaders in Mail, Niger and Burkina Faso take this action because they believe they can do without the West. But it is not usually so in other African countries. Most of the time when there is a conflict of interest between an African country and a Western country, it is the African country that usually concedes to the interest of the Western country.
But the military leaders of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso have shown the world that they value their country’s sovereignty above all else which is remarkable. They have also revealed the flaw in the relations between African countries and their Western counterparts and how relations with non-Western countries might be more beneficial to African countries. One such non-western country that has taken the place of countries of the West is Turkey. In this video, we will explore Turkey’s relations with Niger and countries of the Sahel.