We've been playing our way through every Ace Attorney game with an Actual Lawyer, and since we just finished up Apollo Justice, it's time to keep pressing on in the franchise with Dual Destinies! We have our real lawyer to playthrough the Ace Attorney franchise and show us just how realistic is the court system depicted in our Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies let's play as well as our professional voice actor voice all the roles! This time we find an unexpected surprise for Apollo, and continue to use Juniper Woods' testimony to find the true culprit!
We record the show live on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm EST, so please come and watch us live then right here on our YouTube channel!
Check out our new merch at etsy.com/shop/savedatateam
00:00 - Intro/Ads/Housekeeping
2:21 - Gameplay
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