Данный проект не является коммерческим, здесь не использованы гранты и прочее, он существует только благодаря вам- нашим зрителям.
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The original language of the film is Russian, because we want Russians to watch is in order to make Russia to change from inside. Because we realize that this is the only possible option for something to change in Russia and in the world. Nobody can or will change Russia from the outside, except for its own people making reforms, revising the ideologies, and creating its own path of evolution.
The film is also for the West - the West must be wary, and must be aware and take action. However, most importantly, this film is for Russia, for Russians - for those who do not understand what fascism is. We explain to them: do not point in another direction, do not point at the tanks with symbols of cross, that were provided as a support by another country. Pay attention to yourselves: your Zig Haile and your body tattoos of swastika. Pay attention to a lot of problems in the society where you hate other nationalities. You call people “chocks” or “чурки” (racial slur towards non-Slavic looking people, typically immigrants from Middle East), you call people “ukry” (slur word for Ukrainian people), you call people fascists, while you have your own people living as if under Hitler’s rule for a very long time.
This project is not commercial, no grants were used here, and so on, it exists only thanks to you - our viewers.
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And support a good cause - exposing a fake story.
PayPal: podin2012@gmail.com