Do you experience these? #anxiety #anxietysymptoms #mentalhealth #anxietytips #healthanxiety #panic

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Dr Kirren
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✨Heart rate changes can be a natural reaction to the fight-flight response, which gets activated to help your body prepare for action. These anxiety induced changes in heart rate can also cause other heart related sensations, like a fluttering feeling, pounding, thumping, racing, the sensation of skipped beats…and many more…

✨If you're anxious about your heart rate increasing, you might become hyperaware of these changes and feel frightened of them. This can actually then increase your anxiety. If your body's response to anxiety is heart palpitations, it can mean that with increasing anxiety, you experience more of them.

Things that can help: Limiting caffeineMaking sure you’re well hydratedRegular exercise
Regular practice of relaxation techniques
Getting enough sleep

✨It's also important to address the root cause of your anxiety, as well as any cycles of fear that you might be stuck in. For example, being frightened of bodily sensations, which then makes you pay too much attention to them, which in turn fuels your fear and brings on more sensations. Learning how to break free from this cycle of hyper-focussing on the sensations, and how to think of them differently is key. It's about changing your relationship with them. My book Ten Times Calmer offers a step by step approach on how to do this.

✨Not everyone with anxiety experiences heart palpitations, some people might experience other physical symptoms. This information is for general educational purposes only. Always consult your own doctor for advice specific to your situation, and your experience of anxiety heart palpitations.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Do you experience these? #anxiety #anxietysymptoms #mentalhealth #anxietytips #healthanxiety #panic - RusLar.Me