Lately I've been trying to show restraint in my music, to let sounds breathe and flow rather than the build-and-drop trope. But it's something I struggle with. I often can't help opening the filter and letting rip. This was one of those times..although I did manage to hold off for a good 5min :P
Key Modules in use -
Westlicht Performer (sequencing)
4ms SWN (ambient wash)
Rossum Panharmonium (pitch shifting the wash in waves of 5ths)
Qu-Bit Surface (plucks)
Worng Parallax (stereo filtering)
Serpens Sirius (filter on lead)
Noise Engineering Desmodus Versio (reverb)
Other -
Elektron Digitone (bass line)
Empress ZOIA (phaser / fuzz)