03:55 Facebook Ready To Test Drones That Can Deliver Internet At 10 Gigabits A Second via @FastCompany bit.ly/1MxD1oO
07:33 Meet WalkCar, a new transportation device even cooler than Lexus's hoverboard
10:05 Elon Musk: Tesla Model S autopilot will learn from other cars via @therealautoblog aol.it/1g3rtwP
13:20 Indie creators being hit by copyright notices for using the word 'pixels' because of the movie "Pixels"?
16:47 How your smartphone's battery life can be used to invade your privacy via @guardian
Speed Round
19:11 Brilliant AR Application: An Expert Can Remotely Overlay Arrows and Data on What You See, Enabling You to Fix Complicated Things
20:17 Netflix announces 'unlimited' maternity and paternity leave via @businessinsider read.bi/1MMb0tU
22:42 Have Your Weed Delivered by Drone
24:02 Boxee is finally dead, and Samsung killed it bit.ly/1eUjAc3
25:53 Hackers Can Seize Control of Electric Skateboards and Toss Riders
Tip Time
31:00 Flo Lum
32:50 Social App Brings Teddy Bear Hugging to Photo/Video Sharing | via @nerdstalker bit.ly/1OWbtJ2