Wicked in-depth interview about Bradford's iconic Young Lions Cafe and the Lumb Lane Frontline in Manningham, Bradford, UK - from 1970 to 2002.....with Morris Powell & Patrick Lennon....
Patrick Lennon's father started the Young Lions Cafe as a meeting place for Bradford's Afro - Caribbean community in the late 1960's......
Morris Powell managed the cafe from 1994 - 2000 and was an eyewitness to the events inside the cafe during the fatal attack and siege of the Young Lions Cafe on 14 July 2000 - in a race riot where an attacking mob of around 100 youths attacked a group of Afro-Caribbean men on the Frontline and shot dead Jamaican student Dexter Coleman (RIP) as he sought refuge inside the cafe......
This interview charts the history of the Young Lions Cafe and the changes over the years on the Lumb Lane Frontline in Manningham, Bradford, UK from 1970 until the permanent closure of the cafe in 2002.....
The hostility towards the Afro Caribbean community in Manningham, the dispersion of the Afro-Caribbean community out of Manningham, the eventual closure of nearly all of the area's Black clubs, Black exclusion & Police / City Council racism are all explored in this ground-breaking interview.....
The interviewees are also asked whether Bradford's Afro-Caribbean community should be excited about & celebrating Bradford recently winning the title of 'UK City of Culture 2025' .....
Special thanks go out to Morris Powell & Patrick Lennon for their valuable time and for providing a brilliant historical interview with their intimate knowledge of Bradford's Afro-Caribbean community......
Big massive respect goes out to Guvna Gregah for processing, editing and enhancing this video - without who's invaluable technical assistance this video would not be possible - BIG UP SIR !!