⭐️ Full stack web development bootcamp with React and Python
⭐️ JavaScript Bootcamp
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00:00 Course Introduction
01:30 NPM Crash Course Overview and NPM Installation
03:19 Initializing NPM in the new project
05:34 Updating NPM
06:27 Overview of the package file
07:34 Running NPM scripts
08:59 Installing first NPM dependency
10:33 Overview of the node_modules folder
11:20 NPM installs also other dependencies
14:40 NPM packages versioning
16:19 Semver - Major, Minor and Patch versions
19:25 Creating and running basic Node.js application
21:31 Creating custom NPM scripts
24:07 Node.js project Summary
26:03 Limit updates of the packages by using tilda and power signs
28:44 How semver impacts NPM packages installation process
32:44 Bootstraping React application using create-react-app
34:23 React app Overview
36:29 Running different NPM scripts in the React application
38:18 Creating VUE.js project at codesandbox
39:48 Development Dependencies
42:35 NPM key features Summary
44:30 NPM Crash Course Summary