Lets Be Friends -
Hey Kin Tin Krew! In this video, Kin Tin uses her imagination to help bring her toys to life! Benson from Toy Story 4 is a little sad because he still can't capture the other Toy Story 4 friends from Kin Tin even though he's tried so many times. But just when Benson is about to give up, he finds a remote control that is actually a shrink ray! He suddenly get the idea to shrinks down Kin Tin and turn her into a toy! After using the shrink ray on Kin Tin, Benson was now a giant toy compared to her! Using this new advantage he tried capturing tiny toy Kin Tin in a jar so that he could finally capture all the Toy Story friends. Buzz and Woody tried to get the shrink ray remote control but Benson was too quick and escaped with the shrink ray before they could change Kin Tin back. With the help of Woody and Buzz Lightyear, Kin Tin escaped the jar and they made a plan with all the other Toy Story 4 Toys to find Benson and get the shrink ray back. In a game of hide n seek Kin Tin finally finds Benson asleep with the shrink ray in his hands, so she sends a fire work signal to the other Toy Story 4 Toys to help get Benson and to make Kin Tin big again! With the help of her friends they get the remote control back and change Kin Tin back to her normal human self, while also shrinking Benson even smaller! Another win for the Kin Tin krew!
Kin Tin's Latest Video - Benson and Gabby Gabby Took Kin Tin's Toy Story 4 Toys! Kin Tin Learns to Be Brave to get them Back!
Lets Be Gaming Friends -
Thanks For Watching! See Ya Next Time Guys ✌️😉