У нас є невелика вантажівка і ми звичайно ж погодилися, оскільки ми з початку війни займаємося доставкою Авто під замовлення для ЗСУ!
Баггі знаходилося в Мукачевому, а вантаж у Львові.
І ось як усе це вийшло)
The military and Kyiv volunteers contacted us for help in delivering cargo from western Ukraine. It was necessary to bring buggies for the military from Mukachevo and office equipment and computers for computer centers.
We have a small truck and of course we agreed since we have been delivering custom-made cars for the military since the beginning of the war!
The buggy was in Mukachevo and the cargo was in Lviv.
And this is how it all happened)