The reason capitalism doesn’t work is due to inherent flaws and failings within the system. The problem is not that individual capitalists are greedy. Individual greed can be an aggravating factor, but even capitalists who are well intentioned must make profit the priority.
The result is an economic system which sacrifices people’s lives and wellbeing and which threatens the future survival of human civilization and even the survival of our species, all for the sake of profit.
Here's are a few more points I wish I had added to the video:
Update: I got a couple comments saying that glyphosate is not actually dangerous. The confusion about this is often due to studies focusing on exposure to glyphosate alone (which has relatively weak evidence for being harmful) and glyphosate-based commercial formulations (which has stronger evidence). This may be due to the way the glyphosate interacts with other chemicals. Glyphosate-based commercial formulations are what agricultural workers are using.
You can read about it here
"...a 2014 meta-analysis of the same studies found a correlation between occupational exposure to glyphosate formulations and increased risk of B cell lymphoma, the most common kind of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Workers exposed to glyphosate were about twice as likely to get B cell lymphoma."
The link is to this study, though I only read the abstract
I would also argue that even in cases where the evidence is weak or mixed, we should err on the side of caution when the stakes are so high, rather than force workers into a potentially dangerous or even potentially life-threatening situation. And countries should have the right to ban products based on what's called the "precautionary principle" (which would also be called the better safe than sorry principle).
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► The Abuser Logic of PragerU
► Meritocracy: Capitalism's #1 Myth to Control You
► Voting & Electoralism: Steelman Debates Steelman
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George Gilder: “Why Capitalism Works” (PragerU)
World Health Organization, “The World Medicines Situation”, 2004.
(Most recent data I could find on lack of access to life saving medicines)
GM scandal
303 deaths reported here
Last Week Tonight episode s01e04, 18 May 2014
Air pollution deaths
Corporate lobbying to stop glyphosate bans
Lil Skies Drum Loop (Jasx on da track)
Last Horizon (Silent Partner)
Digital Tropics (Leisure Class Reptiles) Creative Commons
Sad Storytelling Guitar Instrumental Beat 2019 (Ryini Beats)
Les Toreadors, from Carmen (Bizet)
www.freepik.com background vector by rawpixel.com and frame vector by starline
Free HD Video rising market chart arrow - FREE WILL DESIGN Brand & Branding (Creative Commons)
“Why Capitalism Works”, George Gilder, capitalism, PragerU response video, PragerU debunked, debunking Prager University, video essay, LuckyBlackCat, Lucky Black Cat
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