🥁 Wowsers! I recently had the pleasure to shoot a series of drum videos for Sonor Germany, featuring some their most high quality drums, and what else can I say but "wow"...
I added some great sounding @AgeanCymbals Elegant & Beast Series cymbals, mic'ed up the kit with my standard go-to @AudioTechnicaUSA microphones & beat the devil out of it with my Rohema custom RS custom sticks 💥 Enjoy & happy drumming!
The kit setup in detail:
22" Bass Drum
13" Tom
16" Floor Tom
13" x 5,75 Benny Greb 2.0 Signature Snare Beech
Sonor 4000 hardware
Agean Cymbals:
14" HiHat Elegant Series
17" Crash Elegant Series
21" Ride Elegant Series
18" FX Crash Beast Series
20" Sizzle China Ride Beast Series
Feel free to ask any questions in the comments and to subscribe to my channel @digitaldrumming
#sonordrums #sonorvintageseries #ageancymbals