Since 2022, the words in the mouth of US officials regarding Africa are that the US is not telling African nations to choose sides, but that it strives to be the continent’s “partner of choice”. Did you hear that? The US wants to be Africa’s choice of partner. That means it doesn't want Africa to partner with China, Russia, or any other non-Western country. These words are also the same thing in the mouth of France who warned African countries not to partner with Russia. Can you imagine that? A country trying to influence the partners of another sovereign country. But that's how it has been for decades between Africa and the West. The West wants Africa all to themselves and so they figure out ways to make it seem like the only choice of partner for Africa aside from its fellow African countries is them. Even between African countries, there has been some evidence that the West try to create disputes so that African unity would not be achieved. In essence, the West has been trying to isolate the continent from other non-Western countries through a variety of means including the use of its favorite weapon, sanctions. But, in recent times, things have begun to change and the West has come to the realization that Africa can no longer be caged and isolated. Can the West continue to isolate Africa and why do they want to do so in the first place? Find out in this video.
Since 1960, the year of Independence for Africa, the West has used its shared history of colonialism with Africa to determine its position as the traditional partner in Africa in terms of trade, defense, and economic agreement. And this has been the status quo for a long time because African countries were just newly formed and didn't know that they had options. The relationship however between the West and Africa has not been that of an equal partnership. Building on the colonialist structure, the West has been unable to move away from its traditional neo-colonial and patronizing attitude toward Africa. The whole of Africa with its population and huge resources has been viewed as a tool that the West can use to advance its interests at the detriment of the continent. In addition, Africa is viewed by the West as children who do not know what they want and need to be helped. This is the reason for the countless interferences by Western countries such as France and the USA in Africa’s politics, economy and military.