💬 Men often don’t reach their true mental and physical peaks until their early 30s. Some might debate this hypothesis, and that's okay. Different opinions help us compare data, find common denominators, and pinpoint facts more accurately. I highly encourage avoiding performance-enhancing drugs or gray-market substances just to gain an edge. Stay healthy and train hard, naturally. As you progress, you'll get to know your body better and recognize when it’s time for blood tests and medical advice to make informed decisions about your health.
1. #Fitness
2. #Workout
3. #GymLife
4. #Fit30
5. #Strength
6. #Health
7. #Train
8. #Muscle
9. #Cardio
10. #NoExcuses
11. #Active
12. #DailyFit
13. #FitGoals
14. #TrainHard
15. #stayfit