Tim Walz Offers To Talk To Republican Voters After Their Party BANS Town Halls

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Minnesota Governor, and former Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walz has told constituents in his state that if their Republican Representatives aren’t brave enough to talk to them, then he will be more than happy to come and talk. The NRCC has officially told Republicans to STOP doing town hall events, leaving voters with no way to air their grievances about the Party’s decisions. Walz is showing what leadership looks like, and this is EXACTLY what the entire Democratic Party needs to be doing right now. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Following humiliation after humiliation at town halls across the country. The chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is the campaign arm of Republicans in the House of Representatives as a man by the name of Richard Hudson, a Republican representative from North Carolina. He officially told the party this week, no more town halls. We are done. Reiterating what? Of course, Mike Johnson had said last week, like, Hey guys, stop doing it. But this time, the guy in charge of the money says, don't you dare go out there and hold another town hall in person. You want to do it over Zoom, do it over zoom where we can control, but don't go out there in public because they're asking some really tough, difficult questions that we obviously can't answer. So we just pretend that these are all a bunch of paid protesters, right? In fact, Mike Johnson, Republican speaker went as far as to say this the other day.

There are people who do this as a profession. They're professional protestors, they're professional. They do this as a profession. So I'm gonna go ahead and put this offer out here right now immediately. If anyone can show me proof that they themselves have been paid to show up at a Republican town hall and ask a tough question, you show me a pay stub, you show me communications to where an organization said, we will pay you to do this, you show me that, and I will absolutely issue the biggest correction, retraction, uh, statement you guys have ever seen. I will humble myself. I'll tell you what, I'll go a step further. I'll eat my words. Quite literally. I will take these papers right here, stick 'em in a blender, and drink it like a milkshake. But you have to send me that irrefutable evidence that that did in fact happen for you, and you gotta show me that you actually received the money.

You do that. I'll eat my words right here on Ring of Fire. But until then, there is a solution because where Republicans are refusing to go out there and talk to their own voters instead writing them off as paid protestors so they don't have to act like they're getting any pushback. Minnesota governor and former Democratic Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walls has suggested, you know what? If Republicans aren't gonna go talk to their constituents, maybe I will. Walls announced this week saying, quote, if your Republican representative won't meet with you because their agenda is so unpopular, maybe a Democrat will, hell, maybe I will. Now, that's not exactly saying I'm gonna do this, but I think Walls needs to get there and say like, I will do this.

I will travel around Minnesota. If you've got a Republican representative that won't come back to their district, I'll see you next week. I'll be there Tuesday. I'll be there Thursday. I will sit and talk with you and listen to your concerns. That's how leadership should be in the Democratic Party right now. The fact that the Democratic Party has not jumped all over this issue and started holding town halls in these Republican districts where these Republicans are running away from blows my mind, and it shows the complete and total incompetence of the Democratic Party itself. Tim Walls should not have to be the guy that comes out here and says, okay, I'll do it. Bernie Sanders should not have to be the guy saying, okay, I'll go tour the Red States and talk to people about economic issues. Why is it that these two elderly white guys have to be the ones carrying the entire Democratic party and showing them how it's done?

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  Tim Walz Offers To Talk To Republican Voters After Their Party BANS Town Halls - RusLar.Me