Apple Podcasts:
00:00 Introduction
00:16 First artist you put on a pedestal?
00:49 First artist you saw yourself in?
02:11 The first music you had a strong reaction to that wasn't love?
04:39 The Seven Most Underrated Drummers
06:43 Falling in love with drums & playing with Buzz forever
09:11 Five Songs You Wish You Wrote
10:27 That Beach Boys cover and the funniest rock myths and legends
14:21 What are you working on right now?
15:32 Musical Mount Rushmore
16:43 The music world, then and now
19:00 The Five Melvins Songs You're Most Proud Of
21:00 The making of Houdini
22:47 How have you changed each other?
23:43 The Three Commandments of a Melvins Song
25:51 Five Songs That Changed Your Life
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