I decided to create this sound healing for my partner who was pregnant with our first son at the time it was recorded. She was already in week 41 of the pregnancy and feeling a lot of pain in her body and anxiety as the days went by past the due date. I had been playing all of these instruments for her and to the belly throughout the pregnancy but I felt now was the time to but it all together for a high vibrational experience to calm her body & mind and call out our son into the world.
In August she felt that the baby was still not in his proper head down position and was feeling a bit nervous about it. From the moment we found out she was pregnant I felt my intuition strongly telling me to get more sound healing instruments, I got the crystal bowl in month 2 and the Shruti box (mini harmonium in the video) in August. The first time I played it and sang when I brought it home, she shouted in one moment and said "Wow! I just felt him move fully into the head down position!". This part of the reason why I was feeling important to create this journey in this moment. He was born a day and half later!
An interesting synchronicity is that I actually wanted to record this the day before, but I am very much a perfectionist and it took my much longer to prepare everything than I thought and by the time I was ready it was almost dark already! That night one of our best friends told us that something terrible had happened that day and that she was feeling very sad and anxious. A dear friend of hers had fallen on a rock entering to swim in a river and became completely paralyzed, almost dead. The next day in the morning she told us that he was only able to respond my winking his eyes, and decided that he did not want the hospital to keep him alive, I invited her to come over while I was recording. It turned out that they cut the power to him at 4pm, I started at 3:45 pm, so in harmony with the beautiful duality of this life and universe, this journey was not only to invite in the new soul of son, but to accompany the soul of her friend in it's ascension to source.
At the beginning of August, someone came into our home at night during a storm while we were sleeping and stole my computer and my bag with my wallet and many important things. I was devastated, especially to have something like that happen in a moment already so delicate. I had that computer for 10 years, it accompanied on all my travels, all the songs I had ever produced were made on it, and played so many sets around the world for so many people. For those of you who don't follow me on IG, I decided that the only thing I could do was ask for help from my community, to help me get a new one and continue creating. The response was incredible, so many people sent love and energy in so many was, I was completely in awe and speechless. I said that the first thing that I made with my new computer would be a gift for everyone who supported me in this moment. So the reason I decided to record this and share it and not just do it for my partner was to share with you, all the amazing human beings that sent us love in that moment and supported us.
This journey is for you, if you are feeling anxious, nervous, lost, unsettled, alone, or even happy and fulfilled. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and give yourself the gift of being in the present moment. Allow the past and future to dissolve, allow yourself to be completely present and relaxed, give yourself the gift of peace & love, fill your body & spirit with gratitude vibration, so you can heal yourself, and in doing so, assist in the healing of all of our species and this beautiful planet in which we live.
- J.
More story.... The first time I ever did a live sound healing journey was after an Ecstatic dance in Toronto, over 3 years ago. I didn't really know what I was doing, I wanted to try something new. I made it really quickly and it was completely improvised (as is this one) and I didn't know how people would react, I only practiced once for my mom and younger brother before doing it in Toronto, they liked it so I felt it was ready to go. The response was incredible, many people had profound experiences, I felt it was something I wanted to explore more. That journey is what ended up being the other sound journey I have posted here "On the Roof of Imagination". Once in Goa, India, when I finished, a girl said "I don't know what that was, but you need to do more" I felt that was a good sign. This is something I do more often in private settings & ceremony, but I am becoming more and more interested in exploring sound healing and ambient music. I love dancing and rhythms but I feel like ambient music allows the mind and body to expand outside of structure in a really beautiful way.
Please comment about your experience, what you felt, what you think of my story, or anything else you want to share :)
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