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Gecko's Garage is a big truck cartoon series for children all about fixing trucks and vehicles, including monster trucks, buses, ambulances, construction trucks and lorries.
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00:00 Grandma Gecko to the Rescue
02:16 Grandma Gecko's Sports Car Chase
04:25 Rocket Powered Ice Cream Truck
06:36 Magnet Madness
08:38 Muddy Mountain Helicopter Rescue
10:44 The Dump Truck Slide
12:57 Mindful Mechanicals
15:04 Bouncy Monster Truck
17:05 Weasel's New Wheels
19:17 Rainbow Mechanicals Hide and Seek
21:28 Bedtime Repairs
23:35 Mummy Truck Saves the Day
25:43 Bobby the Bus Goes Electric
27:51 Gecko on the Bus
29:56 Smoky Day Clean Up
32:11 Trash Treasure Hunt
34:15 Bobby's Broken Windscreen
36:13 Frozen Lake
38:21 Monster Truck Rescue
40:26 Balloon Tyres
42:35 Go Go Green!
44:43 Baby Truck's Wobbly Tooth
46:45 Gecko is Snoring
48:54 Weasel Wash Gone Wrong
50:59 Caravan Catastrophe
53:03 Don’t Throw It… Fix Up and Fly It!
55:08 Car Wash Capers
57:31 Baby Truck Monster Truck Mix Up
59:39 Rainy Day Emergency
01:01:44 Fiona's Super Siren