In a hilarious twist of events, Marv and the gang plot the most absurd heist in history, targeting none other than Santa Claus! This entertaining escapade unveils their clever moniker, the 'Sticky Bandits,' as they navigate the plush surroundings of the Plaza Hotel. With witty banter, unexpected turns, and a mere 14 cents at stake, this comedy masterpiece showcases how outrageous plans can spark delightful chaos. Will they manage to escape with their meager prize, or will their shenanigans land them in bigger trouble? Tune in for a hearty laugh! #StickyBandits #Comedy #Heist #Christmas #FunnyMoments #PlazaHotel #MarvAndHarry #HolidayHumor #NewYork #StickyBandits #Comedy #Heist #Christmas #FunnyMoments #PlazaHotel #MarvAndHarry #HolidayHumor #NewYork #shorts