Because in Discord's long snorefest of their Terms of Service, they signed you up for FORCED ARBITRATION. Now when I first heard of this, I had no clue what arbitration meant and if it was even important.
So that's why I've made a whole Discord video dedicated to it. Explaining what Discord's forced arbitration is, why arbitration is generally bad, and how to OPT-OUT of arbitration.
Email Template
Send your email to : arbitration-opt-out@discord.com
Subject: Arbitration Opt-Out - [User-ID]
Hello, This message is to exercise my right to opt out and not be bound by the Discord provisions requiring arbitration.
User Information
Email: [Email]
User ID: [User-ID]
Discord Server
00:00 - Forced Arbitration
03:13 - Discord's Legal Gauntlet of Doom
04:38 - The BIG issues with arbitration
05:32 - Discord just wants to protect themselves... right?
06:59 - Pros and cons of class action lawsuits
07:50 - Arbitration, good or bad?
10:00 - How to opt out