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You're just another mistake that is going down my fucking drain
Life's not complicated you live you die trying not to go insane
Can't say it out loud but I think it
Oh wait a minute I forgot that I don't give shit
All of your fucking opinions the world would be better without it
Everyone's trying to fit in so they fake it
Yeah I know something you you don't
Always saying you will do something about it but won't
Thinking this world won't get to you yet it grabs you by the throat
Everyone seems to be okay until they write a suicide note
Please forgive me for my sins
I know there's a slim chance you do even fucking exist
But what if I don't get the gist
And can't reminisce parts of myself that doesn't want to end up with a pair of slit wrist
Yeah they know something we don't
They are listening through the fucking phones
This world is a stage and you are the fucking clones
There's no way out of the storm cross the ones who did you wrong
Just sit back and relax stay fucking misinformed
Quandary over something that won't ever be
Yeah yeah
So you still thinking you're the men
Stupid motherfuckers will never understand
I couldn't care less about the bands
Pessimistic music so my fans can feel their pain
Might be depress but your bitch still grabs my dick with both hands
Ok enough yeah shut the fuck up
I've learn how to do this while getting fucked up
See I don't believe that shit happens for a reason
The worlds a cold place and you need to keep pushing through the seasons
Over and over a fucking again This ain't the end
Until I'm fucking dead
Can't say it out loud but I think it
Oh wait a minute I forgot that I don't give shit
All of your fucking opinions the world would be better without it
Everyone's trying to fit in so they fake it
Yeah they know something we don't
They are listening through the fucking phones
This world is a stage and you are the fucking clones
There's no way out of the storm cross the ones who did you wrong
Just sit back and relax stay fucking misinformed
Can't say it out loud but I think it
Oh wait a minute I forgot that I don't give shit
All of your fucking opinions the world would be better without it
Everyone's trying to fit in so they fake it