Go Pato Karaoke
This fun video which was made in Lake Elsinore on my Birthday, is dedicated to all my Fans, Friends & Family who have supported my musical journey over the many years I have been touring the USA and the World. Especially Makeda Dread at the WorldBeat Center in San Diego for inspiring me to write this song which has become one of my biggest hits in South America.
I am eternally grateful!
A special Thank You to all the awesome dancers from "Puahi's Polynesian Dance Company"
you guys are the best!
Also, much love to all the amazing people who came out to celebrate my birthday and participate in this video.
My Spiritual Family continues to be my ROCK!
Finally, all praise to Our Heavenly Father,
with whom all things are possible. I pray for peace on earth and good will to all men and women.
One Love Always
Pato Banton aka BrotherFriend
Go Pato Karaoke
"Go Pato" written by Pato Banton
Recorded by: Pato Banton & Winston "Da Major" Mendes
Camera 1: Pato Banton
Camera 2: Judy Farrell Hernandez
Camera 3: Antoinette Rootsdawtah
Video Production by Pato Banton
Closing Music entitled "More Truth" by
Antoinette Rootsdawtah & The Now Generation Band