Jobs Report Proves Trump Has Completely Wrecked The Economy

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All signs are pointing towards a major recession on the horizon as the jobs report for Trump’s first full month in office comes out. The numbers that we know so far show a 245% INCREASE in layoffs for the month of February, numbers that haven’t been seen since the Great Recession that happened in the last few years of the Bush administration. And that’s just the beginning of the layoffs that companies are planning. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how things are about to go from very bad to much worse.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

We should be just days away from getting the new jobs report for the month of February. Um, possibly by the time you're watching this, perhaps that new jobs report has come out. But there is a very good chance, a according to, uh, outplacement firm, challenger Gray and Christmas, that the February jobs report actually shows negative jobs created here in the United States. And a big reason for that is because of the mass layoffs taking place in the United States right now. And believe it or not, it's not just the mass layoffs within the federal government. In fact, the mass layoffs with the federal government, according to, uh, this outplacement firm are small potatoes compared to the layoffs taking place across corporate America. Due of course, to the uncertainty created by the Trump administration, the firm released their numbers saying that job cuts totaled 170 2017. In February, 172,000 people lost their jobs here in the United States in the month of February, 63,000 of those were government jobs.

So fewer than half of those were government jobs, but they still made up, you know, a pretty decent sized portion of it. We'd only lost, you know, 109,000 jobs had Elon Musk not destroyed the federal government. But that should have would've coulda, right? We, we don't get to live in a world of hypotheticals. We live in a world of reality. And the reality is that layoffs are happening across the coun, uh, country at a rate that has not been seen. The firm says since the Great Recession that happened in the later years of the George W. Bush administration, that's where Trump, Elon Musk, JD Vance, and the rest of those frigging freaks in DC that is where they have put this country in 45 days. In 45 days, they took us back 18 years. That's all it took. They destroyed all of the progress that was made with the economy during the four years of President Biden. All of those gains are being erased daily. And we're not even two months into this idiot's administration. Now, I don't think we're gonna see a negative jobs report. I do think that obviously jobs were still created. Um, but given the fact that we only had a net gain of 142,000 jobs in the January jobs report, there is a chance, folks, we could actually start seeing negative jobs reports, assuming the administration does not cook the books. And that's of course, assuming the administration

Even keeps releasing jobs reports because the numbers may be so bad that they just decide, screw it, we're not gonna do it. And before you think that that can't happen, please understand that they have already rewritten the rules for calculating gross domestic product to exclude the salaries of the government officials that they fired. So they're already tinkering with, screwing with our national economic reports to hide the damage that they've done. So yes, hiding the jobs report from the public is not something I would put past this administration, but I can't stress this enough. We are repeating the steps that happened that led us to the great recession of the bush years. And let's not forget that we also had a housing market crash at that time. To be honest, had it not been for that, I wouldn't have been able to buy my first home. A lot of people were in that situation, but even more people lost their homes. And that is not a good trade off folks. But the reason we're headed for another housing market crash, which the housing industry has been warning us about for a couple months since Trump won, is the mass deportations.

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  Jobs Report Proves Trump Has Completely Wrecked The Economy - RusLar.Me