delectable laidback funky tribal sounds, quite reminiscent of Oregon and other bands associated with the marvelous ECM record label, with a hint of Windham Hill's innovative style on the side. perfect for an afternoon of reading, studying or even menial chores. i hope you enjoy!
composition & arrangement, keyboards, synths, 12-string guitar, vocals, sampler, additional percussion by Norman Engelleitner
talking drum, bells, timbale, dumbec, finger cymbals, bongos, angklung, dumbec, bata drum, conga, shaker, bottles by Michael Pluznick
pedal steel guitar, mandolin, ocarina, acoustic guitar, electric guitar by Robert Powell
programming, additional synths, effects, production & engineering by Christopher Hedge
fretless bass by Michael Manning
electric bass by Tom Corwin & Michael Wilcox
drums by Bryan Kei Mantia
chimes, bells, cymbals by Mika Scott
clarinet, saxaphone, bamboo flute by Dallas Smith
tabla by Marco Zonca
trumpet by Johnny Cappola
additional vocals by Tiwiwas Ayofemi & Matt Vennutti
00:00 Kalimbahari
05:20 Taos in Mind
06:25 Wajumbe
13:08 Somewhere in Between
18:46 Walk like Rain
25:38 Tell Me Slowly
29:33 Ratle in the Bush (...and the Leopard's Pursuit)
32:06 As Children
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