he Voice UK is a British singing reality competition television series. Created by John de Mol and Roel van Velzen, it premiered on BBC One on 24 March 2012. Based on the original Dutch singing competition The Voice of Holland, and part of The Voice franchise, it has aired twelve series and aims to find currently unsigned singing talent (solo, duets, trios or professional and amateur) contested by aspiring singers, drawn from public auditions. Presented by Emma Willis since 2014, it was previously presented by Holly Willoughby and Reggie Yates from 2012 to 2013 and Marvin Humes from 2014 to 2016. The winners receive a recording contract with Universal Music Group. Winners of each series have been: Leanne Mitchell, Andrea Begley, Jermain Jackman, Stevie McCrorie, Kevin Simm, Mo Adeniran, Ruti Olajugbagbe, Molly Hocking, Blessing Chitapa, Craig Eddie, Anthonia Edwards, Jen & Liv and AVA.
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