If there is anybody still in doubt about the kind of leader President Traore is, then his recent actions should effectively clear those doubts. How many African leaders have truly prioritized the national identity of their countries? The answer is only a few. However, right from the beginning, Traore has proven that the sovereignty and national identity of Burkina Faso is of utmost importance. This is why recently, Traore made the decision to ditch Western attire and adopt locally-made Burkinabe fabric for schools and government offices. Indeed this is a revolutionary move and a testament to his vision of reclaiming Burkina Faso’s sovereignty and national identity. But why is Traore making this move and how will it revolutionize the Burkinabe textile industry? Let’s find out.
Under the leadership of Traore, Burkina Faso is on a path toward developing and revolutionizing its textile industry in a way that promotes cultural pride. In a speech, President Traore announced a new initiative to ditch Western attires and adopt locally made fabrics for school uniforms. But that's not all. He also halted the import of police and military uniforms from the West and declared the use of the Burkinabe locally-made fabric for military and police uniforms. Traore also implemented a policy that required all magistrates and clerks to wear “Faso Danfani”, a traditional woven fabric made from local cotton during official court hearings. This is not just revolutionary but also magnificent.