In my early drumming years, I've always loved beautifully shiny cymbals like the Ufip Class or Experience Series for example. I wasn't focused on jazz too much these days, but boy I would have loved these Agean Special Jazz cymbals 🤯
Not only do they look beautiful, they deliver a super professional, polished & versatile high class sound, that will also fit into other musical genres than jazz. Enough talking, better listen to the demo now!
The cymbal setup in detail:
14“ HiHat
16“ & 19“ Crashes
20“ & 22“ Rides
Recorded with Audio-Technica microphones. Drums: Sonor AQX Jungle Set
Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below & gladly subscribe to my channel @digitaldrumming Enjoy the demo(s) & happy drumming!
#ageancymbals #sonordrums #cymbals #schlagzeug