《#哈哈台街訪》去完基隆後想跟哈粉們說,我們沒有遺忘在中間的 #汐止!汐止地形南北高中央低,又有基隆河貫穿,使得內部生活圈劃分明確,來看看上班時間的汐止有什麼閒人吧!
Xizhi, historically called “Water Turns Around”. Because the Keelung river at high tide extends there before it recedes with Taipei to the left and Keelung to the right. Plus the National Freeways 1, 3, and Provincial Highway 5 running through it Makes Xizhi an indispensable hub between Taipei and Keelung. That’s why the breakneck pace of urban commuter life is pretty much standard in Xizhi. Today HahaTai submits for your consideration the leisurely people of daytime Xizhi.
百萬訂閱靠你了 按讚開啟小鈴鐺🔔
我們出的衣服都在這 我每天穿
其他閒人週邊 好玩又實用
【傳送門 Chapters】
00:00 汐止簡介 Xizhi district intro
00:24 樟樹灣歡樂的原住民大哥們 Indigenous singing uncles
02:58 城隍廟不借電 Stingy temple
04:22 賣雪茄的爆炸頭哥 Afro boy who sold cigar
05:43 退休老師精闢解析汐止 Incisive opinions on Xizhi
06:49 汐止物價高又會塞車 Expensive and bad traffic
09:26 橫科妹妹是南港人?difference between Xizhi and Nangang
10:05 汐止小鮮肉覺得橫科比較讚 Hengke is better
10:55 五堵人是走路健將 Wudu knows how to talk
11:46 爆走族髮捲妹妹 The Usain Bolt of Xizhi
13:57 底迪模仿8+9騎車 how delinquent friends ride scooter
14:23 橫科姐姐幫汐止總結 summed it all up
#哈哈台 #上班時間的閒人 #社后 #五股 #橫科 #樟樹灣
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