Mother Shocked After Learning Her Kids Terrifying News

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Donation to charity:

We reached out to Yalaunda, the mother featured in the video, and we decided to donate half of this videos profits towards the Akron-based charity First Glance Student Center:

The second half of our profits will go towards the making of our next video.

We will be posting the donation in 45 days on our community tab!

Video content:

This woman was just informed that her daughter, Teyaurra Harris was shot in a gang-related incident, and is in critical condition.

Her boyfriend rushed her to the hospital, but sadly it was already too late.

The police now face a grueling investigation. however, with everyone involved supposedly being seasoned gang members, catching the killers would prove to be much harder than anything they’d done before.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  Mother Shocked After Learning Her Kids Terrifying News - RusLar.Me