But not everything is sad. In fact, Lance has a great DIY outlook on just about everything! He has recorded upwards of 40 songs using the podcast studio at his local library. That’s brilliant! He also tells me how he had to search to find his own voice, writing and performing. Then Lance turns the tables on me and starts asking some questions about the podcast and photography.
Recently Lance has changed his philosophy on music; how and when it should be released. He definitely recognizes the shifts in the business and is quickly adapting. That’s part of the beauty of being independent.
Check out Lance’s music on YouTube and streaming platforms. He may start putting stuff out on Bandcamp. You just never know. Give him a follow @lancewhalen on Instagram. Go to lancewhalen.com for more links, including his Patreon page. Follow us @PerformanceAnx on socials. Our merch is located at performanceanx.threadless.com. Our fuel is coffee, which you can provide at ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. Now here’s Lance Whalen on Performance Anxiety, part of the Pantheon Podcast Network. Check it out.