www.kindbeats.net Today's wake 'n break is a four bar bell groove in 6/4 and the bell I'm using is a broken and rusted ogene. Looking at the bass drum first, we have notes falling on 1 and the "&" of 2 in all four bars. Lookig at bell next, we have notes falling on "1&", the "&" of 2, on 3, "4&", the "&" of 5, and on 6 in the first two bars. In the last two bars, our bell is falling on "1&", the "&" on 2, 3, "4&", the "&" of 5, and on 6. Moving along to the hi-hats, we have chicked notes in the first two bars, as well as notes on the "&" of 2 and on the "&" of 6. In the last two bars, we have no chicked notes and have notes falling on 2, the "&" of 3, and on the "&" of 6. Last but not least, our snare drum has an accented note on the 5 of all four bars. As always, I hope you dig it and much love! Notation will be added soon.
With musicians being out of work, please consider sponsoring a Wake 'N Break episode. Make a dontion of any size and I will create whatever kind of groove you would like, as well as shout you out in the intro. PayPal: kindbeats@gmail.com