Eddie Lewis (Tenor/Lead)
Bryant Whitfield
Vernon Garrett
Tommy Williams
Early in 1957, Eddie Mesner of Eddie and Leo Mesner's Aladdin Record Company, decided to cut a vocal group rendition of "The glory of love," a re-worked song dating back to Andy Kirk, made popular in 1949 by Larry Darnell in its original form then entitled "I'll get along somehow." For the session Mesner rounded up Bryant Whitfield and four other L.A. singers creating a kind of "thrown together" crew, a practice common in those days.
Three of the other four singers are Vernon Garrett (the same as had a hit with "Without you" on Ventura in 1969), Eddie Lewis who sang lead and took care of narration and Tommy Williams. All other Aladdin titles are by a Velvetones group comprised of other singers. However, the group released a single on the Milmart label in 1958.
The name of the group is spelled differently due to a typo on the Milmart pressing. They are the Velvitones with "Little Girl I Love You So" (from the aladdin 3372) and "A Prayer at Gettysburg" with Eddie Lewis at the narration.