Kayma - Onsitelover (Official Video)

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Kayma - Learn To Say No Live (Live from Immanuel Church)
Kayma ha messo a nudo i suoi pensieri sulla carriera e sulla vita in generale.

Il brano «Learn To say No» è molto più di una hit, una vera e propria dichiarazione di intenti.

Da autore di musiche per celebri spot a nuovo protagonista della scena internazionale.

Dalle colonne sonore per celebri spot di marche mondiali a vero e proprio protagonista della scena musicale.

Ori Toledano nato a Tel Aviv - colui dietro lo pseudonimo Kayma - ha firmato negli ultimi dieci anni musiche di ogni sorta per gli spot di celebri marchi mondiali: SUBARU, PEPSI, SODA STREAM... per citarne alcuni.
Insomma, lo avete sempre sentito senza saperlo, ma ora avete l’occasione di ascoltarlo con voce propria, con il suo spirito e la sua anima, di chi per una volta si racconta in prima persona.

Dopo il successo della hit Learn To Say No (Top 20 EarOne e #1 Indipendenti), l’artista israeliano si mette a nudo con il suo EP di debutto Mid Side Notes.
Le tracce, tra cui spicca il nuovo videoclip Onsitelover, spaziano musicalmente dall’Indie al Mainstream con una esplosione Pop sinfonica che Kayma racconta track by track in lingua originale per gustarne appieno il significato della scelta artistica e personale:

Learn To Say No

My personal protest against fears and doubts. Throughout the years, I’ve built a comfortable life but felt numb and unhappy. I couldn’t find meaning or purpose and I had to battle my way through depression by questioning my beliefs, accepting the flaws and confronting doubts that made me a prisoner of my own criticism. Essentially, learning to say no was basically saying yes to freedom.


The song explores the complex subject of our relationship with the digital world, told through the story of a couple, bonded by a fatal attraction. It’s basically the affair we’re having with the online world and its attempt to lure us in, in a form of seduction.
The official video clip that was shot in Kiev (April 2019), encapsulates the couple’s engagement followed by the distraction and disorientation of such a connection.


Although called Mama, the song is actually a peace treaty between the two characters that live inside me. While the rational is the more ‘common me’ that handles most of life’s tasks, the other is a mode I turn on when needed to cross bridges and push new boundaries.
In the song I refer to “Mama” (a symbol of the most fundamental figure) to help me resolve the confusion: “There’s someone else in me that dreams but I keep telling him he’s mad, lately I’ve been thinking over all the things he said”.
It’s a foundation stone in the creation of this EP and I cannot be more proud of it.


The one song in the EP that makes me feel truly exposed and proud at the same time.
It’s a call for affection in the most naive way, through reminders of the past and a commitment to bring out the best of me in return for sympathy.

Onsitelover (Live From Immanuel Church)

I always fantasized about doing a live act in a church and when given the opportunity, I scouted the country for a suitable place and a choir for hire. The two were hard to find and I almost gave up till I found a church a block away from my recording studio and decided to recruit individual band members to work with.
Onsitelover was the first song (out of four) we recorded and shot that day. I wanted to present it in contrast to the official version and by shifting the groove to triplets, raising the scale and sticking to organic instruments, it basically sounded like a different song that deserved a spot in the EP.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Kayma - Onsitelover (Official Video) - RusLar.Me