Country: international | Year: 2024 | Genre: Folk Black Metal
Release: 19.01.24 (19th January)
Pro CDr in high quality 4-Panel DigiPak w. glossy varnish, lim. to 50 copies
Cassette, clear with black liner, j-card, lim. to 50 copies
1. 0:00 Cearwylm (Paisaunt)
2. 5:41 Killiecrankie (Paisaunt - Olde Throne cover)
3. 10:27 Bjørgvin (Paisaunt)
4. 14:27 Misneachd (Olde Throne)
5. 22:26 Nigh Is Time (Olde Throne - Paisaunt cover)
6. 25:58 Causantín mac Áeda (Olde Throne)
Naturmacht Productions artists Olde Throne & Paisaunt join forces to tell a tale of battle and grief with their upcoming collaborative split, "Cearwylm & Misneachd".
Band Links:
Zannibal - Everything
Mastered by Seiðr Jonsson of Dark Prod Studios
Olde Throne:
Harrison McKenzie - Guitars, bass vocals
Quentin Forster - Drums
Olde Throne guests:
Jaymez Austin - Bass on "Nigh Is Time"
Stavros Stavrou - Folk instrument sections on "Misneachd" and "Causantín mac Áeda"
Mixed & Mastered by Seiðr Jonsson of Dark Prod Studios
Artworks and layouts by Johannes Palmblad
Follow the NATURMACHT here:
(C) Naturmacht Productions |