#darktechnoebm #technovibes #industrialtechno
#darktechnoebm #technovibes #darkelectro
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Thank you for tuning in! This HARD techno set will take you deep into the heart of the underground with heavy, raw beats and relentless energy.
🎥 Step into the Studio 🎶
Welcome to a live recording straight from my studio! Shot with a dual-camera setup, this video captures every angle of my creative process as I craft and perform. From mixing beats to live adjustments, you're getting the raw and authentic vibe of my music-making session.
🎛️ After the session, I edit the footage to bring you a polished yet immersive experience. Dive in, feel the rhythm, and join me on this musical journey!
live Music Credits: RAYRAMSI
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⛓️Video Credits: RAYRAMSI
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