In this video we'll have a look on Campione d'Italia. I'm not talking about the football champions of Italy, Napoli, but about the italian exclave inside Switzerland that nobody nows about. This italian exclave is located on the coast of Lugano lake and is completely surrounded by Switzerland. It's history is amazing so make sure you watch the video to find out all the facts about "the champions of italyu".
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Have you ever heard of Campione d'Italia ??
No, I’m not talking about Napoli. I’m talking about this Italian town completely surrounded by Switzerland. This enclave stretches 2.4 kilometers along the coast of Lugano Lake inside the Swiss canton of Ticino. But how did this happened?
Back in 1798 when Ticino chose to become part of the Swiss Confederation, the people of Campione chose to remain part of Lombardy. Later, in 1848, during the wars of Italian unification, Campione petitioned Switzerland for annexation, but the Swiss rejected due to their commitment to neutrality.
After Italian unification in 1861, all land west of Lake Lugano and half of the lake were given to Switzerland so that Swiss trade and transport would not have to pass through Italy.
Although it’s initial name was just Campione, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini added d’Italia to highlight that the town is part of Italy.
Although only one kilometer separates Campione d’Italia from Italy, the people in this town have to travel 20 minute by car to reach mainland Italy.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3