Did you know there's a border in Europe that changes every single year? 🌏🇪🇸🇫🇷 While most European borders have stayed the same, the boundary between France and Spain is a rare exception. In the middle of the Bidasoa River lies Pheasant Island, a tiny but fascinating place that’s shared by both countries. For six months each year, Spain governs the island, and then it switches hands to France for the next six months. Discover the history behind the world's smallest condominium and why this peaceful border arrangement has lasted for centuries!
💡 Watch to find out how two countries peacefully share a piece of land!
Beside the border between Ukraine and Russia which is continuously changing because of the conflict between the two countries, you would say that the borders in Europe have remained unchanged in recent years, but that’s not actually true.
You see, the border between France and Spain changes every year, but in a different way.
The Bidasoa River represents the northern part of the border between Spain and France and this island here called the Pheasent island is located exactly in the middle of the river.
Because neither France nor Spain agreed to give up the island, the two countries decided to share in and each country to own the island for six months every. year The Pheasent island is the world’s smallest condominium, being governed by Spain from 1st of February to 31st of July, than becoming part of France from 1st of August to 31st of January.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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