Title: Devils Hoof Island
a.k.a. floating prison
Gouache on 8 x 10 Kraft Paper
Song: The Dust
Album: Overtures - 1987
Soundcloud: bendigai
When I was painting this one, it kept changing on me. At first glance of my reference swirl/splatter I thought I saw a black ship with water around it. Then I saw a floating island in the sky but when I was almost done I realized it was a detached hoof. Now I sort of see all those things when I look at it but the hoof island sticks the most. It definitely has the feeling of being a mythical place in a murder mystery.
The music was lent to me by James Short who is a talented artist, designer and musician. Below is the link to that and to some more of his music on Soundcloud under bendigai.