Tony nominee Ephraim Sykes takes the stage as Joey Evans with the cast of Pal Joey in their show-stopping rendition of Rodgers & Hart’s iconic number “The Lady is a Tramp,” as Joey catches the eye of nightclub financier Vera Simpson, played by Tony nominee Elizabeth Stanley.
Buy tickets:
Nov 1 – 5
Tickets from $35
Featuring over 18 classic tunes from the Rodgers and Hart songbook, including “My Funny Valentine,” “The Lady is a Tramp,” and more, this brand new adaptation of Pal Joey is sure to leave you "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered!"
Music by Richard Rodgers
Lyrics by Lorenz Hart
New Book by Richard LaGravenese and Daniel “Koa” Beaty
Based on the Original Book by John O'Hara
Choreographed by Savion Glover
Co-directed by Savion Glover and Tony Goldwyn
#PalJoey #NewYorkCityCenter #NYCityCenter #EphraimSykes #RogersAndHart