Big Girls Blouse | Gordon Ramsay | The Rock | Dairy Lovers | Vegan Poet
Udder Suckers Unite!
Dare he? Dairy? Dare he?
Dairy? Dare he not?
Dare he? Dare he not ?
The time will soon be upon us when men will not dare to show how pathetically stupid and weak they have been for consuming the milk of another species designed to grow baby calves to 1,000lbs in under a year.
The fact they have believed the lies and been duped by the murderous dairy industry will be a constant source of embarrassment and shame to their perception of their manliness.
Let us hope dairy consuming men wake up before any associated prostate cancer, bowel cancer, heart disease, breast cancer, erectile dysfunction, impotence, or dementia raise their ugly heads. Don't be a dairy loser guys, ditch this product of brutality and male shame today.
Did I mention the male calves are useless to the industry and get murdered before they can take any of the milk that you pay to have stolen from their overworked mothers? Or that the mothers' bodies are so abused by repeated forced impregnation and constant milk production that after 3 or 4 pregnancies their legs can no longer support them and they are unceremoniously dragged to have their throats cut as a thank you from those oh so kind and caring farmers, for their loyal service?
*Hang your head, Go Vegan today, and be a real man and fight to stop these atrocities!!*
This is not a direct dig at Gordon Ramsay or at Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock, although they are both selfishly uncaring and have taken money to promote dairy. Ramsay continues to profit daily from the enslavement, mutilation, forced impregnation, torture and murder of cows and their calves. He knows exactly how the industry works.
*Dairy stop? Or dare he not?*
*His throat is filled with mucus and he's dripping snot.*
*Has he got the balls, or is it just a sock?*
*Plant milk drinking vegans are the guys who rock!!*
Special thanks to @DavidRamms for the editing lesson ✅
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