But, despite their efforts, the land
refused to bear a single plant or flower. However, even though it looked hopeless, our ancestors continued to work.
Then one night, when the moon was big and round, the air filled with a strange fluttering sound. Our ancestors thought that a great storm was coming and rushed inside.
And a great storm was coming. With a crash, raindrops seemed to fall from the sky.
But what strange rain it was! Round and smooth, in the glowing light the raindrops looked like silver pearls! And when they touched the ground, they disappeared.
“It’s raining pearls!” our ancestors said to each other. “Jewels from the moon!” And they rushed out with baskets and bags, catching what they could from this strange storm. Magically, when the raindrops were caught, they didn’t disappear; and soon their baskets and bags were full.
But in the morning, our ancestors saw that the drops were not pearls or jewels. In the sunlight, they saw that they were really seeds. But no one knew what kind of seeds they were. Curious, they planted them in the hard earth.
And when the moon raised again that night, the strange rain fell again as well. This time our ancestors were not fooled and just watched the drops disappear into the ground. But in the morning, the planted seeds were sprouting as if watered by a magic brew.
So night after night the seed rain fell from the sky. And as daylight broke over the land, the seedlings grew higher. Soon they grew into beautiful silver trees with golden flowers. They were so beautiful, our ancestors planted more and more seeds and soon the whole village was blooming with hundreds and hundreds of flowering trees.
And since then our home has been called the Village of Moon Rain. We plant new seeds every day, and every night, the moon rain falls and every morning a new seedling sprouts. Maybe in another hundred years all this stony land will be covered with trees and the mountain will be as golden as the Moon.
Japanese moon story.
As jewels from the moon our next storyteller Manucho spreads the seeds into the ground of the music , which grows beautifully and lets us listeners enjoy and appreciate his musical creatures. Sounds crafted by him are pure , fresh and groovy , and it’s so easy to get lost into them and set the soul and body free .
We wish you a magical Moon ritual and a pleasant listening.
Born and raised in Buenos Aires, Manucho is a natural storyteller. Chef by day and Dj by night, he combines the elements to take his guests on a delightful journey full of emotions.
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