Here is a tribute to the relentless artists, builders, and technicians who pour their hearts into creating the unforgettable experience that defines this mesmerizing journey. Every heartfelt beat, every light, every moment — none of it would be possible without your dedication. Thank you for staying curious and for turning our dreams turn into reality.
Directed by Christian Moreno McCarthy
Produced by Pablo Gonzales Vargas
Music by Orbit - Hands (Out on Friday, 14 Sept.)
Videography by Linus Eliason, Tomas Petterson, Christian Moreno McCarthy
Drone Videography by Nathan McBride and Matt Emi
Editing by Christian Moreno
Color by Arturo Gomez
Editing assist/Data Manager by Carlos Climaco
#MayanWarrior #BurningMan2024 #Galaxyer