He was still recording with his brother and they eventually formed the duo Pulsars. With Pulsars, they decided to do things their own way, which stirred up a lot of major label interest back in the 90’s. Things happened quickly. Their first gig set them on a path to open for some pretty heavy hitters. But then their label closed up shop and Harry decided to go back to school. So Pulsars fizzled out. They may have been gone but they weren’t forgotten. They’ve had a legion of loyal fans. And now they have re-released their debut, the self-titled Pulsars album. And that’s just the beginning. Dave discusses how much music they found and what the future plans are for it and the band. So check them out on socials @pulsarsband and go get the reissued debut.
Follow us @PerformanceAnx on socials. Slide us coffee money @ko-fi.com/performanceanxiety. Grab our merch at performanceanx.threadless.com. And I hope you enjoy my conversation with Dave Trumfio as much as I did on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network.