These are just little snippets straight from the camera RAW files ' just putting them on youtube as a document to making the music video i know exactly where the files are just now on the sd card so thats why i'm depositing these little 'non music video bits ' as a personal document mainly to put it where where i can find it .so it will be private within a couple of hours there might be people interested in some of these snippets i dunno ? if so feel free to download them . somebody might like it ? there seems to be no audio in this clip but we were talking about the shot that involves jumping off a bridge into a rubber thing anchored below the not a big massive road bridge a smallish bridge over a lake out in essex ' and its relevant to the song ' but it was windy and cold and thats why we both look so uncomfortable in every frame of these videos it was fkn freezing
Later note a lot of these snippet files wont have audio the video and audio files are separate ' the audio is diverted into an audio field recorder outside the camera body . sorry bout that :)