Video is an excerpt from Warrior Women - Lozen.
Directed by Noel Dockstader. Photography by Mark Chow.
Starring Lozen Enjady as Young Lozen & Shannon Dictson as Lozen
Lozen ( 1840-June 17, 1889) was a female warrior and prophet of the Chihenne - Chiricahua Apache (known also as the Members or Warm Springs Apache). She was the sister of Victorio, a prominent chief. Born into the Chihenne band during the 1840s, Lozen was, according to legends, able to use her powers in battle to learn the movements of the enemy. According to James Kaywaykla, Victorio introduced her to Nana, "Lozen is my right hand ... strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy. Lozen is a shield to her people".Taken into U. S. military custody after Geronimo’s final surrender, Lozen traveled as a prisoner of war to Mount Vernon Barracks in Alabama. Like many other imprisoned Apache warriors, she died in confinement of tuberculosis on June 17, 1889.
Lozen's prayer is translated in Eve Ball's book In the Days of Victorio
Upon this earth
On which we live
Ussen has Power
This Power is mine
For locating the enemy.
I search for that Enemy
Which only Ussen the Great
Can show to me.