This is a concept-art music video for the early work of Surface 10, otherwise known as Dean De Benedictis. The music is from his debut release as Surface 10 on Cleopatra/Hypnotic Records in 1996. The theory of anti-space was also Dean's somewhat fanciful idea about antimatter and dark matter, before theorists began naming it the antiverse and creating similar scenarios. Watch what was essentially the first visual representation of this theory--right here. This is our first video posted on the Fateless Flows Video Channel in 2020.
For more of Dean's fancifully astronomical-concept-music videos, look up The Surface 10 Singularity, or stay tuned to future postings on this channel by subscribing.
For more info on this music, look up Surface 10 (self-titled album) on Cleopatra Records. There are still used collector's-item copies of the CD floating around on most major online retailers like Amazon and Ebay.