#shorts #maps #uk #unitedkingdom #british #britishempire #chagosislands #colonization #geography #history #facts #interestingfacts #historyfacts #mapping #africa #africacolonies #indianocean #amazingfacts #knowledge #news #generalknowledge #educational #geographygeek #geographynow #politics #geopolitics
The UK has officially handed over its last African colony. This video explores the history of British colonization in Africa, from its peak in 1914 to the decolonization that began with Libya's independence in 1951. The final African territory to gain independence was Zimbabwe in 1980, but the UK held onto strategically important land in the Indian Ocean — the Chagos Archipelago. This video covers the ongoing territorial dispute between the UK and Mauritius, as well as the strategic significance of Diego Garcia, a military base still under British and American control. In October 2024, Britain agreed to transfer sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius, marking the end of an era.
#UKColonization #BritishEmpire #AfricaDecolonization #ChagosIslands #MauritiusIndependence #DiegoGarcia #AfricanHistory #TerritorialDisputes #ColonialHistory #BritishIndianOceanTerritory
UK just gave up its last colony in Africa.
You see, this is how Africa used to look like in 1914, at UK's peak year of colonization in Africa.
In 1951, the decolonization of British Africa began with the independence of Libya and since than many other
countries proclaimed their independence the last one being Zimbabwe, called Rhodesia back then, in 1980.
But UK kept some strategically important land, not on continental Africa, but here, in the Indian Ocean.
This Archipelago called Chagos Islands was the subject of a teritory dispute between UK and Mauritius for years.
In 1965, when Mauritius gained its independence, the Chagos Islannds detached from Mauritius and remain under UK's sovereignity.
Located in the middle of British Indian Ocean Territory, the archipelago has a massive strategic importance,
a military base being built by the United States and UK on one of the islands called Diego Garcia.
In October 2024, Britain has finally agreed on handing sovereignity of the islands to Mauritius, but Diego Garcia
will remain under British and American control for the next 99 years.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
Hero's Theme by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.