Будем разбираться вместе Главное результат. Это регулярная яйценоскость курей, вывод качественного молодняка, цыплят. Приглашаю к просмотру.
Greetings to everyone on my channel. Me, Arina. I am engaged in breeding purebred birds in my own yard, as an amateur, and I share my experience with you. In order for feeding poultry to be beneficial, that is, the bird is productive, you need to know about the conditions for assimilation of feed. Fermentation. Intestinal microflora. Helminths. Coccidia.
Let's figure it out together. The main thing is the result. This is the regular egg production of chickens, the hatching of high-quality young stock, chickens. I invite you to watch.
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