Lets Be Friends -
Hey Kin Tin Krew! In this fun video, Kin Tin uses creative play to dress up as Bo Peep from Toy Story 4! After magically changing from a toy to a real life Bo Peep Kin Tin realizes that her friends are missing. To keep people from knowing her true identity as Bo peep, she wears a disguise and decides to look for her friends at the store. Using a game of hide and seek Kin Tin searches for her friends in different places. She first heads to the clothes section and finds fun designs and outfits, but no friends. She does find a clue though! After following the clue, it leads her to the toy section of the store. There she finds an isle with her Bo Peep doll, just like the one she changed from! She was definitely getting closer to finding her Toy Story friends. After searching another isle for clues she finally found it! All of her Tor Story friends including: Buzz, Woody, Jesse, Slinky Dog, Rex, and Forky, huddled up in a mini RV! After that fun game of hide and seek, it was finally time to take her friends back home! Kin Tin loves games with her friends!
Kin Tin's Latest Video - Kin Tin Learns About Animals at the Zoo With Her Mom, Dad and Baby Sister Roro
Lets Be Gaming Friends -
Thanks For Watching! See Ya Next Time Guys ✌️😉